Published research articles

Scaplen KM, Talay M, Fisher JD, Cohn R, Sorkaç A, Aso Y, Barnea G, Kaun KR (2021). Transsynaptic mapping of Drosophila mushroom body output neurons. eLife 2021;10:e63379 DOI:

Scaplen KM, Talay M, Salamon S, Nuñez KM, Waterman AG, Gang S, Song SL, Barnea G, Kaun KR (2020).  Circuits that encode and guide alcohol-associated preference. eLife 2020;9:e48730 DOI:

Scaplen KM**, Mei NJ**, Bounds HA, Azanchi R, Song S, Kaun KR (2019).  Automated real-time quantification of group locomotor activity in Drosophila melanogaster. Scientific Reports 9:4427. **These authors contributed equally to this work. DOI:10.1038/s41598-019-40952-5

Scaplen KM, Ramesh, RN, Nadvar N, Ahmed OR, and Burwell RD (2017).  Inactivation of the lateral entorhinal area increases the influence of visual cues on hippocampal place cell activity. Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience11(40):1-13.

Scaplen KM, Gulati AA, Heimer-McGinn VL, and Burwell RD (2014). Objects and landmarks: Hippocampal place cells respond differently to manipulations of visual cues depending on size, perspective, and experience.  Hippocampus 24(11):1287-99. DOI:10.1002/hipo.22331

 Last name changed from Kerr to Scaplen in 2012

Furtak SC, Cho CW, Kerr KM, Barredo JL, Alleyne JE, Patterson YR, Burwell RD (2009).  The floor projection maze: a novel behavioral apparatus for presenting visual stimuli to rodents.  Journal of Neuroscience Methods 181(1): 82-8. DOI:10.1016/j.jneumeth.2009.04.023

Kerr KM, Agster KL, Furtak SC, Burwell RD (2007).  Functional Neuroanatomy of the Parahippocampal Region: The Lateral and Medial Entorhinal Areas.  Hippocampus 17(9): 697-708. DOI:10.1002/hipo.20315

Gresack JE, Kerr KM, Frick KM (2007).  Short-term environmental enrichment decreases the mnemonic response to estrogen in young, but not aged, female mice.  Brain Research 1160: 91-101. DOI:10.1016/j.brainres.2007.05.033

Gresack JE, Kerr KM, Frick KM (2007).  Life-long environmental enrichment differentially affects the mnemonic response to estrogen in young, middle-aged, and aged female mice.  Neurobiology of Learning and Memory88(4):393-408. DOI:10.1016/j.nlm.2007.07.015

Lewis MC, Kerr KM, Orr PT, Frick KM (2007). Estrogen enhancement of object memory is dependent on the activation of NMDA receptors and protein-kinase A in the dorsal hippocampus of female C57BL/6. Behavioral Neuroscience 122(3):716-21. DOI:10.1037/0735-7044.122.3.716


Reviews and commentaries

Scaplen KM and Kaun KR (2023). Dopamine determines how reward overrides risk. Nature 623, 258-259. DOI:

Rose JK, Scaplen KM, Mizumori SJY, Roberts AC (2022). Editorial: Modulation of behavioral outcomes by conditioning competing states, valences, or responses. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience 16:959704: DOI:

Devineni, AV and Scaplen KM (2022). Neural Circuits Underlying Behavioral Flexibility: Insights from Drosophila. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience 15:821680: DOI:

Scaplen KM and Petruccelli E (2021). Receptors and Channels Associated with Alcohol Use: Contributions from Drosophila. Neuroscience Insights 16: 1-15. DOI:

Scaplen KM, Kaun KR (2016). From bugs to bipeds: A comparative approach to understanding how reward circuits function. Journal of Neurogenetics 30(2): 133-48. DOI:10.1080/01677063.2016.1180385

Book Chapters

Peng X, Scaplen KM, Agster KL, Burwell RD (in press). Anatomy of the Hippocampus and the Declarative Memory System. Systems and Neuroscience of J. Stein (Ed.), Reference Module in Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Psychology. Oxford: Elsevier.

Nuñez KM, Catalano JL, Scaplen KM, Kaun KR (2023) Ethanol Behavioral Response in Drosophila. 2nd edition Drosophila Neurobiology: A Laboratory Manual. Cold Spring Harbor Press.

Nuñez KM, Catalano JL, Scaplen KM, Kaun KR (2023) Methods for exploring the circuit basis of ethanol-induced changes in Drosophila group locomotor activity. 2nd edition Drosophila Neurobiology: A Laboratory Manual. Cold Spring Harbor Press.

Scaplen KM, Agster KL, Burwell RD (2017). Anatomy of the Hippocampus and the Declarative Memory System. In H.E. Eichenbaum (Ed.), Systems and Neuroscience (Vol 3. Pp. 47-66) of J. Stein (Ed.), Reference Module in Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Psychology. Oxford: Elsevier.